Friday, November 11, 2011


I think that zillow is good for people who want to buy a house and that want to know more about the house before taking time to go see it. It can be a useful tool to findout how much a house costs, if it is on sale, how much taxes you would have to pay for, characteristics of the house, etc. It can be an invasion of privacy though because some people may not want other people to know how much their house costs, and how much taxes they have to pay to have the house.

3rd world farmer
This game teaches you you cant spend too much on producing your product because you may not get enuogh profit back to get the other things you need. You can also make money by growing crops, but not too much.

Energyville shows me that alot of energy is used in a city and that it is a high impact on the environment. Also it can build up alot over the years so more people should be careful of how much energy they use and more windmills should be installed to power energy naturally.

Climate Challenge
i dont really get this game but i think it is showing you that the government has alot to do with the CO2 that goes into the atmosphere.

Woot and Whiskeymiltia
Websites like these may influence your buying decisions because it shows that they are less money than another prodcut like this may be, and just because it is less money then people might feel that they need to buy the product that is less money even if they do not need it. They also might get into the bidding contests and pay too much and more than it would normally cost.